There is always something to learn at Millis Meadows

Elsa Stuart Elsa Stuart

What is a Swarm of Bees?

It’s not just bees that are flying. A swarm is a specific grouping of bees outside a hive. They have a distinct purpose in their journey, as well. A swarm is a group of bees that has left the hive in search of a new home. They often land on a nearby object once leaving the hive. From there they search for their new home.

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Elsa Stuart Elsa Stuart

From Hive to Bottle

How does honey get from honeycomb inside a hive to a bottle in your kitchen? This process is called honey extraction. Honey stored within capped honeycomb needs to be removed from the comb and filtered several times before it is ready to be bottled. Steps of the extraction process are listed below.

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Elsa Stuart Elsa Stuart

How does Honey Happen?

By storing honey within the hive, the bees are securing a food source for themselves during the winter months, when no flowers will be blooming. When we harvest honey, we are only taking the extras. We still need to leave some honey in the hive so that the bees can eat throughout the winter and re-emerge in the spring.

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