Mid Summer

Mid July is often a time when St. Louis is dry and hot. Many flowers are done blooming, and those that remain have limited nectar (nectar evaporates just like water). As the nectar stops flowing, so does the honey. Our bees have been working hard all spring and early summer. Now they are slowing down and wrapping up a good year. Honey production was booming up until this weekend. We even added more supers (honey boxes) last week because the bees were filling them so quickly. But when we checked on them this week, it was obvious that the main honey flow was ending.

When we look at the hives, there are plenty of honey supers stacked up. We’re going to have a good haul this year. Honey extraction will likely happen in the next few weeks. And after that we will be preparing the bees for winter. It’s funny to think about how quickly the honey season comes and goes.

